Configure SparkPost in FluentSMTP to Send Emails

You can use SparkPost to improve email deliverability and authenticity. SparkPost is one of the leading mailer options for WordPress, SendinBlue is reliable and easy to set up. In this article, I’m going to show you how you can integrate SparkPost into WordPress using the FluentSMTP plugin to send emails via SMTP.

Configuring FluentSMTP for SparkPost #

Hover over or click on Settings on WordPress Admin and go to FluentSMTP Dashboard. If this is the first time you are using FluentSMTP and haven’t set up any connection yet, you will see the list of available Mailer, as we will work with SparkPost, select SparkPost from the list.

Configuring Fluent SMTP for SparkPost

If you already have one or multiple SMTP driver setups and now you want to add SparkPost also then go to the Settings Tab of FluentSMTP and select Add New Connection. Now again all the available mailers will appear from where you need to select SparkPost.

Configure SparkPost in Fluent SMTP to Send Emails

Sender Settings #

Now we will need to configure the sender details. Fill up the “From Email” and “From Name”

From Email: The “From Email” should be the email you verified with SparkPost. Check the box to set the return path to match the from. The Return Path indicates where non-delivery receipts or bounce messages are to be sent. If unchecked, bounce messages will be lost. With this enabled,
you’ll be emailed using “From Email” if any messages bounce as a result of issues with the recipient’s email.

From Name: From name can be anything you want. You can use a combination of your name and company name. For example, I would choose something like “Jafor From WPManageNinja” where Jafor is the name and WPManageNinja is the company. The API key will be provided by SparkPost.

Fluent SMTP for SparkPost

Get SparkPost API Key #

Log into your SparkPost account and click on Configuration and select API Keys. Now from the top right corner click on the Create API Key. Give a name to your API key and save it. Now copy the API Key and paste it into the FluentSMTP API Key filed of SparkPost configuration. Your SparkPost Driver is ready to send emails from your WordPress site.

Latest comments (2)

Avatar for Anneke Bakker
Anneke Bakker

HI, I installed the Sparkpost and do the configuration. I send a testmail and that go well.
However, when I send a order from woocommerce, the mail to the client will not be sent automaticly.
When I go to the FluentCRM then manualy send the mails to the client.
What’s go wrong?
Please help me out.

Anneke Bakker