FluentSMTP: Our gift to the WordPress Community!

By Editorial Staff
January 18, 2021

Shahjahan Jewel

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  1. FiverServices Avatar

    FluentSMTP is an amazing plugin Nazir Himel and the team.

    Thank you a million to make it, and gift it to the community. I am using FluentSMTP on all my WP sites.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Reinhard Avatar

    Cool Stuff!!!
    How can i separate System Admin Mail Account & WooCommerce Mail Account?

    Thanx a lot for your feedback

    1. Nazir Himel Avatar

      FluentSMTP automatically sets the default email address as the system email. You can set a different one in WooCommerce.

  3. Rohit Katre Avatar

    Dear Shahjahan,
    I am happy to have visited this page. I read the article in toto. I sincerely thank you for creating such a wonderful free plugin.
    However, I see that your page is replete with some terrible grammatical mistakes which need to be fixed urgently for it to really look good. And I can help. I’ll only fix the grammar therein and send in the text to you. Kindly do share your email address please.

  4. Glen Avatar

    Firstly, thank you for this. You’re doing it right. Much success be upon you.

    Also was wondering if you can implement OAuth Api for Zoho Mail (maybe keep Zoho smtp for anyone who prefers it)?

    Api is faster (no timeouts) than smtp when available, right?

  5. Alok Sharma Avatar

    Hi there!

    Thank you so much for developing such a wonderful plugin.

    I was looking for an SMTP plugin, but hated the competitor plugin as it was more of a self-promoting commercial SMTP plugin.

    And then I saw your plugin in the search results and thought to give it a try. Not to mention, I was up & running in less than 30 seconds and your plugin simply outperformed.

    Once again, thank you so much.


    Alok Sharma

    1. Nazir Himel Avatar

      Thank you so much, Alok! Means a lot to us! ❤️

  6. Raj Avatar

    This is not working. I installed this on localhost wp version: 5.7, trying to configure with ses, but this freezes at validating data.

    My ses region is correct, domain is verified, Access and secret key is correct.

    No idea here as what’s going wrong.

    Can you look into this?


    1. Nazir Himel Avatar

      Hi Raj, Not sure why is this happening with your site. can you please contact our support team?

  7. Lee Whistler Avatar

    By using Fluent SMTP I don’t need to plugin Amazon SES, Mailgun, or any other SMTP?

    1. Nazir Himel Avatar

      FluentSMTP will replace other SMTP plugins such as WP Mail SMTP. You still need to configure email services like Amazon SES or MailGun with FluentSMTP. Please check the docs if you’re interested in learning how to do that.

  8. G COOPER Avatar

    This is brilliant! All I have to say is THANK YOU!

  9. SIlverio Avatar

    Thank you for making this free. I am using the Fluent Forms PRO for all my client websites!

  10. Terry Avatar

    Thank you for contributing such a fine plugin to the community.

    I have an old SMTP plugin that is soon to retire due to creator, so this is just in time.


  11. LORI SAWAYA Avatar

    Looking forward to the SET UP AMAZON SES IN FLUENT SMTP doc. Can’t find anyone to do it for me so I’m stuck waiting for the doc.

    1. Nazir Himel Avatar

      Hi Lori, I believe this was available from the beginning: https://fluentsmtp.com/docs/set-up-amazon-ses-in-fluent-smtp/

  12. XMENROMA Avatar

    Thank you very much. I wish you more success and happiness and health.

  13. Sjoerd van Heummen Avatar

    Great Shahjahan, this was exactly what I was waiting for.
    Keep up the good work, I enjoy your forms and CRM system enourmesly.

  14. Francesco Tosi Avatar

    You can add useful features like these:

    – notification if email bounce
    – report of bouncing, opening, clicking rates
    – near to each email if it was opened/clicked, or bounced

  15. Stefan Avatar

    Awesome! Thank you so much!!! We are looking forward to using FluentSMTP along with FluentCRM for our new project. 🙂

  16. Mark Avatar

    Some times emails stucked in the log due to issues with email server.
    Does Fluent SMTP will sent any of these emails, once the issue solved?

    1. Nazir Himel Avatar

      No, you can select all failed emails using a filter and then resend them with a single click. The process is manual, but won’t take longer than a minute.

      1. Bruce Avatar

        Hey Nazier, can you update the plugin to auto retry and resend, instead?

        1. Nazir Himel Avatar

          We’re thinking of something different, email fallback. If an email send is failed with one server, this will route the emails using another server.

  17. William Avatar

    It would be great if you can add OAuth authentication for Microsoft 365. To get SMTP to work with MS365, you need to disable MFA and then login with Powershell to enable SMTP sending. It’s a bit annoying and would love a plugin which did OAuth authentication. I’d prefer to use MFA on my accounts, but can’t with SMTP!!

    1. Nazir Himel Avatar

      Hi William, OAuth authentication is in the pipeline. Thanks for your suggestion.

  18. Francesco Tosi Avatar

    Great great great plugin. Thank you so much!

  19. Frederic Sune Avatar

    This is an amazing addition to Fluent CRM and Fluent Form. Thank you very much Shahjahan, we really appreciate it. Can’t wait to see more integrations… Keep up the good work!

  20. Robert Haven Avatar

    Thank you from a loyal, happy, and satisfied customer. You have set a high bar. Congratulations.

    1. Shahjahan Jewel Avatar

      Thank you Robert for using our products.

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