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Email Summary

The Summary Email feature provides detailed statistics on your email sending activities. Tailor this report to your preferences by selecting the specific day of the week for receiving email stats. Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose the email address to which these email report stats will be sent. To activate the Summary Email feature,…

15 WordPress Tips and Tricks to Supercharge Your Website’s Performance

15 WordPress Tips and Tricks to Supercharge Your Website’s Performance

If you ask who is the king of CMS then the crown should be served to WordPress because approximately 810 million websites are built around it. What’s more surprising is this statistic will keep rising in the coming days! So if you are planning to build your website on WordPress, you have made a great…

FluentBooking: What Makes it the Ultimate Appointment Booking Solution for WordPress?

FluentBooking: What Makes it the Ultimate Appointment Booking Solution for WordPress?

Let’s be practical. Relying on sticky notes to manage daily meetings and appointments is not an efficient way. From small entrepreneurs to corporate businesses— staying organized and keeping everything on track is a necessity for sleek appointment management and meetings. Enter FluentBooking —a powerhouse for managing any appointment scheduling. It’s an all-in-one appointment scheduling system…

Easily Fix Broken Links in WordPress and Improve Website Performance

Easily Fix Broken Links in WordPress and Improve Website Performance

Picture this, a customer clicks on a link hoping to find something on your website, but what they get instead is a 404 page not found. This is the result of a mishap called broken links. Broken links are a threat to all sorts of websites, especially online stores, and businesses that cannot afford to…

Everything You Need to Know About Email Domain – Definition, Examples & More

Everything You Need to Know About Email Domain – Definition, Examples & More

Sending and receiving emails are probably an everyday task. Every day you receive emails from friends, family, and businesses and send emails for personal and business purposes. But, have you ever wondered about the mysterious addresses that make your emails tick? Have you noticed some fancy email addresses that are not your regular @gmail or…

How to Add Two-Factor Authentication on Your WordPress Website

How to Add Two-Factor Authentication on Your WordPress Website

Security is a big concern for all of us because it ensures the safety of information and resources. When it comes to the security of your social media profiles, you’ll appoint the strongest passwords and protection to save them from third parties. Similarly, if you own a WordPress site, you would want to protect it…

Top 5 Common Mistakes in WordPress Migration and How to Avoid Them

Top 5 Common Mistakes in WordPress Migration and How to Avoid Them

The migration to WordPress from legacy CMS platforms like Sitecore is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. Businesses are attracted to WordPress for its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and user-friendly interface.  However, the process isn’t as simple as installing a WordPress plugin and clicking Migrate. Mistakes during this crucial transition can lead to poor site…