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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, FluentSMTP is free and will always be free. All of its features including SMTP connections, email logging, multiple SMTP,  fallback connection, etc., are free. There are no limitations on the number of emails you can send. All you have to do is use an SMTP service provider like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Brevo (Sendinblue), Gmail, Mailgun, etc.

Yes, the FluentSMTP plugin aims to let you deliver your WordPress emails securely for free and as fast as possible. You can configure any SMTP of your choice from 10+ supported services and route WordPress emails through SMTP service.

In order to set up FluentSMTP, you will need to get an SMTP service. Then you can follow our documentation to install the plugin and configure your SMTP service on WordPress.

FluentSMTP utilized API and OAuth 2.0 connections to deliver WordPress emails. These are highly-secure methods so all your emails will be encrypted.  We also have a dedicated security partner to ensure FluentSMTP won’t make your website vulnerable.

Yes, you can set up multiple SMTP services and have separate email services to send transactional and marketing emails.

Yes, FluentSMTP works seamlessly with WordPress Multisite. You need to set up FluentSMTP per-site basis.

FluentSMTP allows you to set up a fallback email service —meaning you can set up a secondary connection that will send all your emails if your primary service isn’t working correctly.

Yes, you can set up a number of alerts and notifications depending on your needs. You can set up daily or weekly notifications and get email failure notifications via Telegram, Discord, and Slack.